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torturous death造句

  • He inflicted a torturous death upon Thompson.
  • They relied chiefly on the argument that some people would die excruciating, torturous deaths after taking the drugs.
  • Torturous death at the hands of French mobsters, who force him to watch the entire catalog of Jerry Lewis films.
  • She dismissed the idea of Lucero's planning such a torturous death as " strange and ridiculous ."
  • "If I go back to Uzbekistan, I would die a slow, torturous death, " he said.
  • Those Jews had been given a horrific choice : either convert to Catholicism or face a torturous death at the hands of the Inquisition.
  • Fritzsch tried out the effect of Zyklon B inside cells which were not air-tight, subjecting the victims to even more torturous death.
  • Those still in Spain at dawn faced a choice : convert to Christianity or face a slow torturous death at the hands of the Holy Inquisition.
  • Animal rights activists claim bullfighting is a cruel or barbarous blood sport, in which the bull suffers severe stress and a slow, torturous death.
  • He decided to take " samadhi " by burning himself on a pile of peanut shells, which is said to be the most torturous death.
  • It's difficult to see torturous death in a sentence. 用torturous death造句挺难的
  • "Would any almighty God permit such a torturous death : the bludgeoning of such a good man by such a bad man ? " wrote Segal.
  • But the revelation that some died a slow and torturous death _ by drowning, hypothermia or suffocation _ has brought back the horror that gripped the nation in the days after the disaster.
  • But the sickening revelation that some died a slow and torturous death _ by drowning, hypothermia or suffocation _ has brought back the horror that gripped the nation in the days after the disaster.
  • McVeigh wrote in one letter . " . . . Therefore, they didn't care when these families died a slow, torturous death at the hands of the FBI ."
  • He would nurse it back to health and send it on its way, free of the foulness of corruption and the stink of greed, safe from the slow, torturous death it is dying.
  • The reason for the impending change _ which would authorize government officials to disclose information about an abused child _ is the torturous death of Elisa Izquierdo in November, allegedly at her own mother's hand.
  • "The disgrace of Geneva, " said the mass-circulation Blick of Zurich over a front-page story describing the girl's " torturous death " from starvation and thirst.
  • In describing " The Long, Slow, Torturous Death of Zima ", writer Brendan Koerner cited Zima's perceived reputation as a " girly-man " beverage and its persistent parodization by late-night TV host David Letterman.
  • Despite his terror that he might be recognized as Heartfield's murderer and accordingly facing the possibility of a brutal and torturous death, Mann takes the boy, the boy's sister and his mother to " the hills " and safety.
  • In one sweeping paragraph, the Scoppetta report cites a long list of institutions and individuals who _ because services were fragmented and the city's Child Welfare Administration did an inadequate job of coordination _ failed to prevent the torturous death of a child.
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